

                               ジュアン ロムアルドス 神父




 皆様、これまでの人生の旅路もそうです。気づかぬうちに、すでに2024年の半分が過ぎている。コップを眺めるように、この半年間の旅路をどう見るか。人生で多くの障害や試練を経験しながらも、ポジティブでいるのか。 それとも、この旅に経験した良いことを見ずに、ネガティブなことばかりを見ているのか。 それとも、コップも水も、ポジティブもネガティブも、何も見ていないのか。普通に特別な経験がない。 すべてがありのままに流れているのか。


“Oh Lord, Teach us to number our days,” (Psalm 19:20)

Fr. Juang Romaldus

My sisters and brothers, have you ever heard of the concept of a cup half full and half empty? Talk about this topic, I just remembered my philosophy class. One day our teacher filled her cup with water, at a certain point, she stopped and asking each one of us, “what do you think about this cup of water? Every student had a different answer.

Well, someone might look at a cup of water and say that the glass is only half full. In other words, the focus is on the water, the contents of the cup. Even though, some people notice that half of the cup is filled with water. It means that his/her perspective is placed on the cup, the container of water, and not on the contents.

From this little practice, we can draw a line that those who choose the half full cup are optimistic. Why do we say that? because they believe that one day the cup will be full. There an enough space to fill with. They see things from the perspective of a full cup, not from the perspective of an empty cup. In other words, if you keep thinking about the positive aspects of what happens in your life, you expect positive things to happen later. This is hope.

On the other hand, if one chooses half empty cup means that there is no chance anymore to fill the cup with water. As a consequences, that cup remains empty. This is the hallmark of the pessimistic perspective. We can only see the inferior, the negative one, even though there are many options given to us from which we do not have to choose the negative side. What happens in the future is that we still have no hope that there is something to fill the emptiness. We called it hopeless.

My sisters and brothers, the way we see the cup with water expresses our life’s journey so far. We are already halfway through the year 2024, aren’t we?. As you look at the cup, how do you view your journey over the past six months? Will you stay positive despite of many obstacles and trials you experience in life? Or do we look only at the negative parts instead of seeing the good things we have experienced in the last six months? Or do you see nothing but just a simple cup and water? Is everything flowing as it is?

Let us ask “Oh Lord our God, teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom”. (Psalm 19:20). This request “teach us to number our days” means that we believe in Him and need Him to reveal us the choices we need to make on our daily life. He will help us to grow wise and wisdom if we really open our heart to Him.