イザヤ書 43:5
Fear not: for I am with thee:
Isaiah 43:5

During the Holy Year of 2025, Kishiwada Church is a pilgrimage church designated by
the Archdiocese of Osaka-Takamatsu. The church is on the second floor.
Please enter through the main gate of the church and use the stairs or elevator to access the church
Mass Times主日のミサ Sunday Mass
9:30 日本語
9:30 Japanese
4th Sunday Mass
9:30 日本語
9:30 Japanese
11:00 英語
11:00 English
毎週木曜日 9:00 日本語
Thursday 9:00 Japanese
3月23日(日) 11:00 日本語 和泉教会
Information about the retreat
March 23rd(Sun)
11:00am English Mass followed by Tagalog retreat
Kishiwada Church
Thông tin về cuộc tĩnh tâm
Ngày 29 tháng 3 (Thứ Bảy) 17:00
Nhà thờ Hamadera Việt Nam
Mass Times for March2日(日) 9:30 AM 日本語 | 2th(Sun) 9:30 AM Sunday Mass Japanese |
5日(水) 灰の水曜日 7:00 PM 日本語 | 5th(Wed)7:00 PM Ash Wednesday Mass Japanese |
6日(木) 9:00 AM 日本語 | 6th(Thu) 9:00 AM Weekday Mass Japanese |
9日(日) 9:30 AM 日本語 | 9th(Sun) 9:30 AM Sunday Mass Japanese |
13日(木) 9:00 AM 日本語 | 13th(Thu) 9:00 AM Weekday Mass Japanese |
16日(日) 9:30 AM 日本語 | 16th(Sun) 9:30 AM Sunday Mass Japanese |
20日(木) 9:00 AM 日本語 | 20th(Thu) 9:00 AM Weekday Mass Japanese |
23日(日) 9:00 AM 日本語 11:00 AM 英語 | 23th (Sun) 9:00 AM Sunday Mass Japanese Sunday Mass 11:00 AM English |
27日(木) 9:00 AM 日本語 | 27th(Thu) 9:00 AM Weekday Mass Japanese |
30日(日) 9:30 AM 日本語 | 30th(Sun) 9:30 AM Sunday Mass Japanese |

Visit by Priest司祭訪問による訪問のご依頼を随時受け付けています。訪問のときに、ご聖体の秘跡や塗油の秘跡をうける事が出来ます。十分な感染対策をして訪問いたします。
We accept requests for visits by priests at any time. During our visit, you will be able to receive the sacraments of the Eucharist and Anointing. We will visit you after taking sufficient infection control measures.